Sam Tell 2024 Look Book 2 Revised 2 - Flipbook - Page 2
s a m te l l co m pa n i e s • contrac t sa les
On time, on budget.
The Sam Tell Contract Sales division prides itself on delivering
excellence to the client from drawings to delivery.
PROJECT EXECUTIVES: Industry-leading executive team with vast experience to
understand scope of work, foresee and get ahead of potential roadblocks, and leverage
extensive industry relationships to problem-solve.
ESTIMATING TEAM: Estimators that engage directly with the client to understand
project needs—resulting in a quicker, more accurate, and more ef昀椀cient bidding process.
CAD ENGINEERS: In-house engineering department with the technical knowledge to
execute clean and accurate MEP drawings and provide a faster turnaround time.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM: Well-trained and experienced, our Project
Managers plan, execute, and ultimately deliver a successful project. We pride ourselves
on our exceptional communication, organization, adaptability, and problem-solving
abilities; all centered around our focus to deliver excellence to our clients and
end users.
INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONS TEAM: Fully certi昀椀ed Sam Tell employees,
compiled of both Union and Non-Union teams. We offer value-added services such
as welding and polishing, 昀氀ex scheduling, and after-hour deliveries. Supported by our
owned-and-operated warehousing and delivery trucks, which allow us to better meet
unique jobsite needs and challenges.
SERVICE DEPARTMENT: With great technical expertise, quick response times and
outstanding communication, our service department provides excellent customer
service to our clients, ensuring that our service partners deliver the highest quality work
and professionalism. Additionally, our service team will facilitate the commissioning of
your job, including scheduling the testing and start-ups of your equipment. We will
also coordinate and manage all end-user equipment training. Our job is to make your
job easier.